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The Packaging Dynamics, Ltd., Semi Automatic Portable Cart Overflow Filler SL-4P is an economical fill to level system designed for small production runs.  It has been engineered for ease of operation with a roll around care which provides a greater range of portability and quick change over features.  It’s non-electric pneumatic design can be used safely in hazardous locations.  The SL-4P can be used for low production runs, cleaned and quickly stored or transported effortlessly to another plant location for use.

The SL-4P Liquid Fillers are currently being used in the pharmaceutical, beverage and chemical industries.

Semi-Automatic Portable Cart Overflow Filler SL-4P Series 316 Stainless Steel Construction and PVC/CPVC construction manually indexed air pump all pneumatic no electronics overflow style nozzles four to twelve nozzles